Manage your account
Avoid long lines and long phone calls. Now you can access your plan details and your Letter of Authorization (LOA) with ease through Member Gateway.
- Access your Primary Care Lab Tests and Diagnostic Results
- Check your member ID, plan description, number of dependents, and the terms of your plan
- Access the forms you need including LOA
- Find Maxicare-affiliated doctors and hospitals
- File reimbursement claims
- View transaction summary

How to access your Primary Care Lab Tests and Diagnostic Results
Log in to Member Gateway with your username and password. If you are not yet registered, click Create New Account.

Click View eHealth Record tab from the menu.

Click on the medical documents that you wish to view.

To open a record, click the View button.

How to request for Letter of Authorization for Lab Tests and Procedures
Log in to Member Gateway with your username and password. If you are not yet registered, click Create New Account.

Click on the Health Services tab and select “I need a Lab/Diagnostic test” then choose Other Providers – Request for Letter of Authorization

Fill out the required fields, attach the necessary document/s, and click Submit

A Thank You message shall appear confirming receipt of your request.
Your LOA will be sent to your email within 24 hours. If the request has been approved, LOA in PDF format will be attached to the email. If disapproved, email will indicate reason for disapproval.
Your LOA will be sent to your email within 24 hours. If the request has been approved, LOA in PDF format will be attached to the email. If disapproved, email will indicate reason for disapproval.